Kubernetes 101: Getting Started
In this workshop we’ll be covering basics for Kubernetes. We’ll start by learning its architecture and explore different building blocks like Pods, ReplicaSets, Deployment etc. We would then explore the Service object and see how we can expose our applications with different configurations.
Neependra Khare, Founder and Principal Consultant, CloudYuga Technologies
Date: 30th September 2022
Time: 11:45 AM to 02:00 PM
Venue: Workshop Room 2, NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bangalore.
Fee: Rs. 2999/- (Limited seats available)
Who can attend this workshop?
Developers, System Administrators, Managers, DevOps with no prior knowledge of Kubernetes
What all will be covered in the workshop
– What, Why and Where to use Kubernetes (20 mins)
– Kubernetes Architecture (20 mins)
– Kubernetes API Primitives (20 mins)
– Kubernetes Building bloks like Pods, ReplicaSets, Deployment (60 mins)
– Kubernetes Services (40 mins)
– Deploying a multi-tier application on Kubernetes (30 mins)
Benefits/Takeaways of this workshop for the attendees
Learn basics of Kubernetes with understanding of architecture and different building blocks.
Basic knowledge of containers and cloud
IMPORTANT: This is a BYOD workshop. Attendees need to bring their own Laptop to try the hands-on instructions.
About Speakers
Neependra Khare is the Founder and Principal Consultant at CloudYuga Technologies, which offers training and consulting services around cloud-native technologies such as Kubernetes, Prometheus, Service Mesh, etc. He is an CNCF Ambassador and Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA). Neependra has authored Introduction to Kubernetes course on Edx for the CNCF, which has been taken by more than 200K participants. He has trained 100s of engineers in-person on Kubernetes from companies like Cisco, Flipkart, Intuit and many more.

Neependra Khare, Founder and Principal Consultant, CloudYuga Technologies