Divyanshu Verma
Co-Founder and CEO Redinent | Innovations
About Talk
Open Source Enables Startups
Tentative discussion
–Open source as a business model
–Benefits for startup to go with open source
–Building products on readily available tools and platforms with reduced go to market time
–Challenges and scalability (current, future)
TRACK: FOSS For Everyone
19 Oct 2023 | Time: 03:30-03:45
About Speaker
Divyanshu is the Co-Founder of Redinent Innovations and CEO of Redinent Innovations, a cyber security Start up.
He is an alumnus of IIM-Bangalore, IIT-Delhi and BHU with more than 21 years of experience in Technology RnD, Business Strategy cyber–Security, Networking, IoT security Hardware and software security compliance and standards.
Previously he served at leadership and technical positions in Intel, Broadcom, Ericsson, Dell etc.
Before starting as an Entrepreneur, Divyanshu was heading a significant Technology Function at Intel for Connected Home Division (CHD), which was a part of Client Computing Division( CCG).
Divyanshu is Co-inventor of 3 patents and has co-authored papers in IEEE. He previously worked in the United States and Europe and has managed multi-cultural teams in geo locations such as south East Asia, Israel, Europe and the United States.
Divyanshu has delivered key notes and other talks at World Bank, Linux Symposium Canada, and many national and International Conferences. He was Recognised as one of the “Change Makers of Asia” at Phoenix Literature Fest in 2022.
He has co-authored a book “Emerging Dimensions of Business and Management” and serves on the Board of Studies of many academic Institutes and IEEE Region10.
For his social contributions in his Home state, Bihar, Divyanshu had conferred with “Bihar Pratibha Samman-2017” and “Bihar Pravasi Samman-2019”