Lothar Karl Becker
Member and former chairman of The Document Foundation
About Talk
Introducing LibreOffice Technology , THE Open Source Office Productivity Software and it’s awesome community behind
With LibreOffice of The Document Foundation and its predecessors its now over 20 years of free and open source office productivity in a open standard document format. It is “the” Open Source alternative to the proprietary world and even in cloud with LibreOffice technology it is the sovereign solution for private and public affairs sector. After a short look in the history of LibreOffice and the organisation of The Document Foundation the talk will show different parts of the technology for different devices, its interoperability properties. It will highlight the world wide presence with a community of volunteers and of eco system partners for addressing needs of professional deployments. Additionally there will be hints how to get involved in the community and become a part of the eco system.
TRACK: Keynote
20 Oct 2023 | Time: 10:45-11:30
About Speaker
Lothar is a long term contributor in the free office productivity software since more than 20 years. The roots of his engagement and his company are in the early years of StarOffice and OpenOffice.org as first European service provider with Sun Microsystems. With a yearlong track record in migration projects for public affairs and private sector he co-developed the certification activities around LibreOffice technology and is nowadays the co-chair of the certification committee. During the pandemic he was the chairman of the board of The Document Foundation, the home of LibreOffice. He also is a board member of the Open Source Business Alliance and lobbying for digital sovereignty in private sector and public affairs.