Ravindra Reddy Padala
Senior Software Engineer | Dell Technologies
About Talk
The Open Standard Modular Hardware System for Data Center
Overview of DC-MHS Technology
Covers approx. 11 specifications like M-HPM (Modular Host Processor Module), M-XIO (Modular Extensible IO), M-PESTI (Modular Peripheral Sideband Tunnelling Interface), M-PIC (Modular Platform Infrastructure Connectivity), M-CRPS (Modular Common Redundancy Power Supply), M-SIF (Modular Shared Infrastructure).
How DC-MHS fit in standard server chassis like Rack, Modular servers with multiple socket architectures like Single & Dual Socket.
Exploring multi-host architectures
20 Oct 2023 | Time: 05:00-05:30 PM
About Speaker
Raveendra Reddy P is Software Senior Principal Engineer at Dell Technologies. He has a masters (M-Tech, Embedded Systems) degree from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad(JNTUH). He is is responsible for architecture and design of Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) firmware. His IT industry experience is about 20 years and spans two broad management domains such as Telecom Equipment and x86 Servers. He’s also passionate about learning new technologies, sharing knowledge, writing whitepapers, innovation and holds couple of granted patents till date.