Prof Sowmya Narayanan Sadagopan
Former Chairman, BoG, IIITDM-Kancheepuram, Founder Director I IIIT Bangalore
About Talk
Finally, India is starting to be an uploading Nation
TRACK: Keynote
20 Oct 2023 | Time: 10:45-11:15
About Speaker
Professor Sowmyanarayanan SADAGOPAN was the Director (President) of IIIT-Bangalore (a Ph.D. granting University) (1999-2021). Earlier he taught at IIT Kanpur (1979-95) and IIM Bangalore (1995-99) as well as RUTGERS University, USA (1997) and AIT Bangkok, Thailand (1990)
Sadagopan obtained his MS & Ph.D. Degrees from Purdue University, USA in 1979 and BE (Hons) Degree from Madras University, India in 1973.
Professor Sadagopan won numerous awards that include Fulbright Fellow, Cisco NDTV Digital Pioneer Award, Intel Technology Award, StrategINK Visionart Award and Distinguished Alumnus Award from the College of Engineering, Guindy.
His teaching/research interests include OR, IT Applications to Government, Enterprises, and Education.
Sadagopan’s research work has appeared in reputed journals that include IEEE Transactions, EJOR, and J of Opt. Theory & App. He has authored seven books. He was the General Chair of the WWW2011.
Currently, he is on the Boards of UVCE, IIIT-Dharwad and Kottayam and MAHE and an Advisor to Jain University, SaiU