Biju K Nair
Lawyer | LegaliTech.in
About Talk
Open Source Projects and Legal issues
TRACK: FOSS For Everyone (India contributes)
30 Sep 2022 | Time: 13:00 to 13:30
About Speaker
Biju K Nair is a founding and Managing Partner of Legalitech.in a Technology focused law firm. He advises established businesses and startups across the globe.
Prior to starting Legalitech.in. He was Executive Director of Sflc.in. He has worked with Luthra and Luthra Law Offices and Amarchand Mangaldas.
He represents Open Invention Network in India which is a global community aimed at reducing patent tension around Linux and Open Source.
He is involved in advising, training, enforcement, compliance for various companies both in India and around the world around Open Source.
He regularly speaks at various open source conferences and forums on Legal Aspects around Open Source.