Dibya Prakash
Company: ECD Zone
Topic: Growth Opportunity with Open Source
Track: Panel Discussion Open Source and You
Date and Time: 17th October 2019 12:30 PM to 01:30 PM
Hall: 1
About Speaker
Dibya is a strategist, technocrat, mentor and C-suite advisor. With a deep experience of working across the ladder in the product and consulting sector, with roles ranging from enterprise consultant to technology head, Dibya consults several Fortune 100/500 companies, Investment Banks, CMM5 companies across different continents, for their different technology, engineering & process requirements. Dibya has been involved with & contributed to several open source communities, including Google Summer of Code, Red Hat initiatives, Ruby community to name a few. He has been championing the cause of Open Source adaptation at the enterprise level for more than a decade now.
About Talk