Nrusingha Patro
Designation: Senior Engineer
Company: Java Script Community
Topic: Essence of Reactive Programming
Track: App Development (JS)
Date and Time: 17th October 2019 04:45 PM to 05:15 PM
Hall: 2
About Speaker
He is currently developing retail applications and platforms using technologies like JavaScript, Angular, Ionic, React, Node, Android, Java and Springboot. Having around more than 10 yrs of industry experience on different domains like avionics, mobility and retail. Extensive experience on mobile/web app development and currently working as full stack developer for building platforms for store operations and applications. Passionate about learning new open source technologies. Love to write and talk on various open source JavaScript technologies. My publicised articles are available on and talk details available on
About Talk
In this talk, we will understand about what is Reactive Programming and why reactive programming is crucial to application development. We will learn how to manage asynchronous events and data with help of Rx.js building blocks like Observer, Schedulers and Subjects.
RxJS is JavaScript library for transforming, composing and querying asynchronous streams of data.RxJS can be used both in the browser and in the server-side using Node.js.