What does the Tech Manager need to know about Kubernetes?
20th OCT 2023 | 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM
Venue: Workshop Room 2, NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bangalore
FEE: ₹2999 (Limited seats available)
Objective of the workshop
To enable tech manager under all the Kubernetes Jargons with Hands-on Demos.

Neependra Khare
Founder and Principal Trainer, CloudYuga Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
- Tech Managers who have been asked to lead the developers/SREs/Platform engineers working in the Cloud Native domain.
- In this workshop we'll cover all Kubernetes Jargons with Hands-on Demos. We'll be exploring following topics with Demos :
- Cloud Native Definition
- Microservices
- Containers
- Container Orchestrator
- Kubernetes Resources
- Kubernetes Architecture
- Kubernetes API
- Service Mesh
- Storage Management in Kubernetes
- Security Consideration with Containers and Kubernetes
- Autoscaling
- Serverless
- Telemetry & Observability
- Cost Management
- GitOps
- Familiarity with containers and to some extent with Kubernetes
- Laptop: Attendees should bring their own laptops.
- An open mind and a willingness to learn and apply new concepts
Benefits/Takeaways of this workshop for the attendees
(What will attendees do after attending the workshop which they were not able to do before attending this)The attendees would see everything in action, which would help them connect all the dots of the cloud native development and deployment. This would give them confidence to instruct the development and deployment team with more authority.
About Speakers
Neependra Khare is Founder & Principal Consultant at CloudYuga. He is an CNCF Ambassador & Certified Kubernetes Administrator. He authored many books and self paced courses on Containers and Cloud Technologies. He also runs few meetup groups in Bengaluru.