Best Practices in OSS Compliance
23rd OCT 2024 | 03:30 PM to 05:30 PM
Venue: Workshop Room 1, NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bangalore
• Rs.299 for Pro pass holders
• Rs2699 for Standard Pass holders
• Rs2999 for all others
(Limited seats available)
Creating awareness about the challenges in OSS compliance in today’s time and solutions to overcome them.

Sonali Shah
LicenseOSS Management Professional, Siemens Technology Services Pvt. Ltd

Manjusha Dusane
LicenseOSS Management Professional, Siemens Technology Services Pvt. Ltd
- People working on software development, students, architects and project managers
- Along with objectives and structure of OSS compliance, the detailed session will cover challenges in implementing OSS compliance and methods to address them.
- Basic knowledge about Open source
- Willingness to Learn: An open mind and a willingness to learn and apply new concepts.
Benefits/Takeaways of this workshop for the attendees (What will attendees do after attending the workshop which they were not able to do before attending this)
Attendees will learn the methods to implement OSS compliance in a faster, accurate and effective way.
About Speakers
Sonali Shah
Open Source Compliance Manager working at Siemens, Pune since 2011.I lead team of 30+ women experts who are OSS enthusiast and License experts. I have more than 15+ years of IT Industry experience .I handle Roles and Responsibilities of Third Party Software License Expert for multiple Projects. I Strongly believe in Collaboration and Team work!
Manjusha Dusane
I have around 9 years of experience in Open Source Software (OSS) compliance. I am presently leading the team supporting OSS clearance for Siemens Mobility projects. My responsibilities encompass managing software clearing activities and coordinating with third-party software experts.